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This year there were a total of eighteen children nominated.


The winners were announced at our AGM held on Saturday 16th October 2021 at Bournemouth Deaf Club. The awards were presented by Robin Barrett and the two overall age group winners received shields, certificates and cheques for £100 each. JACOB SNEDDON was the winner in the senior category and the winner in the junior category was PHILLIPA GREEN. All other nominees received £20 vouchers and certificates.

This year’s winner of Bournemouth Deaf Clubs Special Endeavour Award was ABIGAIL COOMBS who received a cash reward from Keith Simmons.


All the nominees have done exceptionally well to be nominated.

Congratulations to all of them!


Please note that the nominations below are a short summary and only a part of the nomination as the nominations can include confidential and personal information.

The Winner of the 2021 Senior Jenny Barrett Deaf Child Achievement Award is:




Jacob was nominated by Sally Robinson, Advisory Teacher Hearing Support Service and his grandmother Fiona Arbuthnott for all the difficulties he has had over the past year and dealing with it in a mature way. When he started secondary school he began having problems with his equipment picking up interference and beeping (radio aid) followed by problems with his cochlear implant processors, both cutting out meaning he had long periods when he could hear nothing at all. This had an enormous impact on his wellbeing and ability to function in school. He was very scared and angry but he attended school and worked hard. He was amazing dealing with lots of new staff and new friends. The problems with his equipment and with the implant problems continued resulting in him then not wanting to go to school and became isolated from his friends. He eventually went back to school with support and is now learning BSL. It has been an extremely difficult time for Jacob as he has had to come to terms with a very different way of coping with his deafness. He can only wear one processor now and had to learn to listen on one side. Despite all of this he is always polite, inquisitive and willing to listen to suggestions about dealing with his situation. He is a very brave boy and he amazes with his technical skills and readiness to help others.

The Winner of the 2021 Junior Jenny Barrett Deaf Child Achievement Award is:




Phillipa Green was nominated by Ken Tucker, Advisory Teacher Hearing Support Service, for promoting a positive deaf image which can benefit deaf children across Britain and the world! Phillipa’s school use Times Table Rock Stars online to make learning their tables more fun and interactive. This is used by many schools across Britain and in other countries, battling each other and in competitions.  Each pupil creates an Avatar to represent themselves online selecting hair colour, face shape etc. Phillipa was cross that there wasn’t an option to add hearing aids to her Avatar, because it is “part of who I am”. So she and her teacher wrote to the company to ask for it to be added. Developers wrote back that it would be added and eventually hearing aids appeared as an option for children to add to their Avatar. It is available to all children in schools in Britain and across the world, promoting a positive self-image for deaf children and this is all down to Phillipa and her teacher.




The winner of the 2021 award is ABIGAIL COOMBS.  She was nominated by Tracey Henry, Advisory Teacher Hearing Support Service, her mother, Julie Coombs and Peter Lord, her English teacher for the way she has responded in a mature and positive way to her recent diagnosis. She showed bravery and courage when diagnosed and was resilient and determined whilst coming to terms with her deafness and wearing hearing aids which can be challenging for a young person of her age. As part of the Speaking and Listening component of her English GCSE, her class was asked to deliver a speech on a topic of their choice. Her chosen topic was the challenges she faces navigating her hearing impairment. Her teacher was amazed that she wanted to detail her journey and be open with her classmates about her struggle, it was inspirational. Abi spoke confidently and the class was engaged throughout. Her teacher said it was genuinely one of those rare moments in teaching where the whole class is single-mindedly focused and time becomes irrelevant. She was awarded a distinction. Abi wanted to continue to raise awareness and she met with the Head of Wellbeing to discuss creating a PowerPoint that could be shared to every year group within the school wellbeing lessons. This has been shared with the whole school. Abi is also doing a BSL introductory course online.

In addition to our Senior winner Jacob and the Endeavour Award winner Abigail, also nominated in the Senior category were:

Scarlet Henry was nominated by Melissa May, Advisory Teacher Hearing Support Service and her mum Tracey Henry for being an inspirational young woman and a fantastic role model never letting her deafness hold her back. Every year since joining her senior school she has done presentations to all her teachers about the impact of her deafness. She was part of an HSS teenage group of girls and showed good leadership qualities and empathy.  Despite the very difficult year she has had due to COVID restrictions and the wearing of masks, she has gained amazing GCSE grades excelling in languages. She is part of the National Deaf Children’s Society Youth Advisory Board, taking a proactive part in online discussions and debates and also part of the NDCS mentoring programme. Scarlett has secured a part time job as a waitress, initiating the interviews and explaining her deafness to employers showing she is a mature, confident and determined young person who can advocate for herself. She never ceases to amaze with her ‘can do’ attitude.


Adam Holbrook was nominated by Melissa May, Advisory Teacher Hearing Support Service, for his can do attitude and his resolve to learn and do his best. Despite overcoming physical challenges which meant he was in a wheelchair for a time he always had a positive attitude. Whilst trialing a new radio aid from NDCS it did not work as well as he had hoped but he did not let it bother him. When transitioning between schools he has always been confident discussing his deafness with teachers and staff, and the staff have always spoken highly of him.


Harry Lake was nominated by his mum, Judith Morris for how he has coped with changing schools and with the COVID lockdowns. Harry finds change difficult and needs his routine so the lockdowns were hard for him but he persevered and the teachers were so impressed with his school work that he was awarded the Headteacher Award and was presented with a book. He has done well in Science, PE, and also enjoyed cooking. Going back into school was also difficult but again he persevered.  Since the lockdowns he has grown in confidence and has become more independent cycling to and from school and asked to join teenage sessions at the local gym. He also enjoys being part of the Ability Counts Disability Hub football team at AFC Bournemouth. It has been a stressful time with many issues but Harry has grown in confidence and is growing into a lovely young man.


Saul Pearce was nominated by his brother, George Pearce for dealing with his school anxieties, coping with assessments and for how he has coped with working since he left school. He is at college now and finding it hard to find where he fits in. Whilst working last summer he overcame his anxieties engaging with adults, showed strength and was a grafter. He wants to be a role model for his nephew.


Molly Stagg was nominated by Sarah Stobbart, Advisory Teacher Hearing Support Service, for how she has embraced new challenges and grown in confidence and maturity. Due to her deafness Molly has found new situations challenging. However Molly has pushed herself out of her comfort zone attending football camps away from home in Birmingham, getting a part time job, travelling independently, leaving school and starting college. All of these are major achievements for Molly and required a great deal of self-motivation, determination and courage.


Conor Tobin was been nominated by Dawn Wrench, Advisory Teacher Hearing Support Service, for his excellent positive start and transition to secondary school. He has shown resilience learning to adapt to COVID lockdowns as well as being in a new school. He has shown ability to embrace change, demonstrate flexibility and develop different strategies to access the school curriculum and make positive new friendships. It was a huge change for Conor and he displayed an inner core with humour.


Mackenzie Webster was nominated by Sarah Joiner, Advisory Teacher Hearing Support Service, for how he has applied himself so well to online learning during the COVID lockdowns. His confidence and maturity have grown so much in this difficult period. He diligently completed his online work with very little support and many subject teachers commented on the high standard of work. On returning to school he continues to grow in confidence. He is a fantastic role model to all his peers particularly other deaf peers in school.



In addition to our Junior winner Phillipa also nominated in the Junior category were: 


Owen Bray was nominated by Dawn Wrench, Advisory Teacher Hearing Support Service, for his resilience and extraordinary positive attitude to all aspects of learning, be it online during the COVID lockdowns or his subsequent return to full time school. Owen must be applauded for his 100% positivity and focus. His ability to interact positively with his peers and teachers has enabled him to commence Year 6 with and excellent start to secondary transition.


Riley Bryson was nominated by Dawn Wrench, Advisory Teacher Hearing Support Service, for his resilience and extraordinary positive attitude to all aspects of learning. Riley has taken all the recent big changes in his life – the arrival of a new baby brother and house move in his stride he has displayed to his family and school what a fabulous, caring, loving big brother he is. He has blossomed and shown such maturity, sensitivity, warmth and support to his parents and positivity to others around him this is to be praised highly in one so young.


Joe Cartwright was nominated by Ursula Murley, Advisory Teacher Hearing Support Service and Nicki Paul, Sign Language Support Worker Hearing Support Service, for his hard work to develop his sign language skills and is now starting to read using a combination of BSL signs and Signed Extract English. Ursula and Nicki are so proud of his achievements, especially during the challenging pandemic when access to learning was difficult. Joe always has a smile on his face and loves a joke. He is becoming more and more engaged in learning and communication, and his signing is developing every day.


Evie Foley was nominated by Dawn Wrench, Advisory Teacher Hearing Support Service, for her significant increase in confidence and maturity despite the circumstances of the COVID lockdowns. This is visible in Evie’s ability to articulate and express to others what she feels and needs to best support her within the school environment. Evie’s inner confidence blossoming is a delight to behold. She has displayed increasing independence, joy at being in school and interacting with her friends and increasing positive attitude to her learning


Saoirse Glennie was nominated by Sally Robinson, Advisory Teacher Hearing Support Service and Mr Beare, Class Teacher for how she has coped and come out smiling and achieving her potential the last few years during a challenging time of changing school and COVID. Saoirse struggled with wearing her hearing aids and radio aid and was a reluctant wearer. She changed school, to a much smaller school, she settled quickly wore her hearing aids and beamed when she heard through her new radio aid. Her teacher said it was a delight to see her grow in confidence. Despite the challenges she faces she never makes a fuss and embraces everything with enthusiasm. She performed in her school leaver’s production even singing a solo.


Harrison Greenham was nominated by Sarah Joiner, Advisory Teacher Hearing Support Service for having adapted to online learning during the COVID restrictions and on his return to school gave everything 110%. He has helped his Advisory Teacher to deliver Deaf Awareness Training to key staff in school. It was lovely to see Harrison fully involved with the training and also very knowledgeable.  He recently had his cochlear implant processors upgraded and he has been a superstar in school with the new processors.


Ava Huffman-Rihoy was nominated by Dawn Wrench, Advisory Teacher Hearing Support Service, for her significant focus and maturity. She has shown independence and resilience regarding her school work and her understanding of the importance of how her audiological equipment best supports her in school and at home. She was initially reluctant to use her radio aid in school but now is confidently able to tell staff if her equipment is faulty and explains to teachers how to correctly wear the radio aid. She is to be highly praised.


Poppy Perkins was nominated by Dawn Wrench, Advisory Teacher Hearing Support Service, for initiating and being the driving force behind a bespoke INSET training PowerPoint that she herself wanted to present to her class to explain her hearing loss. She was impassioned and forthright wanting her peers to have a comprehension of what it is like to be profoundly deaf and the challenges she faces daily. She presented her PowerPoint to her class answering questions intelligently. It was so successful she wants to present it to her new class this year. It was so well received that she was applauded by her peers and teacher and the session ran over by half an hour. Poppy showed maturity and extraordinary confidence.



Well done to all everyone who was nominated! All nominees received a certificate and a £20 voucher.


2021 Senior and Junior nominees and winners

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Contact Shirley Sorbie on 01202 571089

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