The Dorset Deaf Children's Society is a registered charity that provides help and information for hearing impaired children and their families throughout the county of Dorset. It is run by a committee (Trustees) made up of parents and carers of hearing impaired children. As a registered association of the National Deaf Childrens' Society (NDCS), the Dorset Deaf Children's Society is able to tap into the resources of its National Office.

The Dorset Deaf Children's Society is a point of contact for all parents and carers and will advise on where they can gain up-to-date information on childhood deafness to help them make informed choices for their children. Being able to talk to other families to share expperiences is often very important in helping families cope. To this end the Society organises events and outings for families so that parents and carers can meet other children and young people like themselves
The Society supports children with varied levels of hearing loss from mild to profound, oral children with speech to those that need sign support. It supports all children and young people with whatever communication they need. The Society also provides grants and equipment to families with a hearing impaired child, the Hearing Support Service, Audiology, schools and individuals. Every year the society presents the Jenny Barrett Deaf Child Achievement Award acknowledging the achievements made by hearing impaired children and young people.

The Dorset Deaf Children's Society is a registered charity that provides help and information for children and young people with a hearing loss and their families throughout the county of Dorset. It is run by volunteer Trustees made up of parents and carers of children and young people with a hearing loss, work with children with a hearing loss or have a hearing loss themselves. As a registered association of the National Deaf Children's Society (NDCS), the Dorset Deaf Children's Society is able to access resources and be supported by NDCS.

The Society is a point of contact for all parents and carers and will advise on where they can gain up-to-date information on childhood deafness to help them make informed choices for their children. Being able to talk to other families to share experiences is often very important in helping families. To this end the Society organises events and outings for families so that parents and carers can meet and share experiences, children and young people can meet other children and young people like themselves and also have fun!
The Society supports children with varied levels of hearing loss from mild to profound, oral children with speech and those that use sign language. It supports all children and young people with whatever communication they need. The Society also provides grants for equipment and sign language courses to families with a child with a hearing loss, the Hearing Support Service, Audiology, schools and individuals. Every year the society presents the Jenny Barrett Deaf Child Achievement Awards acknowledging the achievements made by children and young people with a hearing loss.

All the work of the Dorset Deaf Children's Society is undertaken from the proceeds of its fundraising and from donations made to the Society. It has no paid officers and the Trustees work on a voluntary basis. This means that every penny raised is used for the benefit of deaf children in Dorset. To make a donation please contact the Trustees.
Members are kept up to date through DDCS newsletters, the twice yearly 'Let's Hear It' and the 'Let's hear it Briefly' which is sent out every two months advertising events.
The society has a public Facebook page to raise awareness of the charity and also has a private Facebook group just for members to enable parents and carers to keep in touch with each other and ask for advice.
The DDCS website provides information about all aspects of the charity.
Why not join? Membership is FREE, contact Shirley Sorbie our Membership Secretary for a membership form or print and complete the form from the homepage and post it in an envelope to the Membership Secretary. Contact details can be found on the 'Contact/Meet Us' page.