The 2018 Jenny Barrett Deaf Child Achievement Awards took place at Bournemouth Deaf Centre on Saturday 13th October.
The Jenny Barrett Deaf Child Achievement Award is split into two categories, Junior and Senior. Junior is for any child up to the age of 11 years old and Senior is for 12 to 18 year olds. The awards set out to reward the achievements of deaf and hard of hearing children and young people from Dorset up to the age of 18 and can be for anything from an act of courage or helping others, overcoming a difficulty, or reading a piece of work in assembly at school. Just so long as it is a real achievement for that individual child.
In addition, an award from The Bournemouth Deaf Club is also made to the child or young person judged to have made a special endeavour.
Many thanks to Robin Barrett and Keith Simmons MBE who along with our chairperson Kevin Forbes had the difficult job of choosing the winners.
Please note that the written nominations below are only a summary or part of the nomination as they can include confidential and personal information which is not suitable for publication.
The Winner of the 2018 Senior Jenny Barrett Deaf Child Achievement Award is:

Emily Ridout
Emily was nominated by Sally Robinson, Advisory Teacher Hearing Support Service, for her self-motivation when no matter how challenging things became for her she continued to work hard and do well in her GCSE’s. Despite other difficulties and finding school challenging she continued to work hard at home and at school when she felt she could attend. She applied to Weymouth college to do a Level 3 child care course and is now attending there having gained the grades she needed with her GCSE’s. She is admired for her self-motivation and hard work.
Congratulations to Emily from all of us. Emily was presented with the Junior Winners shield, a personal shield and a cheque for £100.
The Winner of the 2018 Junior Jenny Barrett Deaf Child Achievement Award is:

Kenzie Mills
Kenzie was nominated by Sally Robinson, Advisory Teacher Hearing Support Service, for the way he has coped with changes both at home and at school. He finds changes difficult but has managed these and has shown a very sensible and thoughtful attitude to how his support in school is managed. He has spoken to his classes several times about his deafness. Despite other difficulties as well he remains very upbeat. He plays a big role in helping his mum care for his two younger sisters. He was voted sports monitor at school and had a key role in the school production being the first person to speak which he was extremely nervous about. His teachers said he was outstanding. He was also extremely nervous about starting secondary school but with his determination and bubbly character has settled well.
Congratulations to Kenzie from all of us. Kenzie was presented with the Junior Winners shield, a personal shield and a cheque for £100.
The winner of the 2018 award was Jayleigh Tiley. This award is given by Keith Simmons MBE on behalf of Bournemouth Deaf Centre. Jayleigh was nominated by her mother, Lynne Tilley, for her determination to complete her art portfolio and gain a place at art college and having her work picked for an exhibition in London. She took art classes during the day and two evening classes to build a portfolio and she secured a place at Brighton Metropolitan College to do a two year Art and Design course. She did this all on her own as she does not like to ask for help. Despite a set back with the written work she ended up coming top of her class for her first year. Her work was picked by University Art London for an exhibition in London. For someone with no hearing, very little vibration, cannot speak or lip read she has proved with her hard work and determination you can achieve. Jayleigh received a cash prize from Bournemouth Deaf Club.
In addition to our Senior winner Emily and the Endeavour Award winner Jayleigh, also nominated in the Senior category were:
Ethan Drewett was nominated by his parents, Chris and Davina Drewett, for always giving 100% at school despite some areas being very challenging but he never gives up. He was in the top 10% in his year group to make the greatest progress since Key Stage 2. He represents the school at Cross Country and received the Year 9 award for Food Technology. He attended AFC Bournemouth disability hub and was offered a place in the U16 age group and went on a two day trip with an overnight stay. He had not been so far away from home on his own before and was extremely nervous. He amazes his parents every day with his attitude to life and always tries his best. He is becoming much more confident, independent and willing to give things a go.
Cobie Gawler was nominated by Elisabeth Gower, Advisory Teacher Hearing Support Service, for his fabulous pitch on Enterprise Day to his whole year group at school with his idea ‘waterproof hearing aids’ which resulted in his group winning the prize. He has found secondary school life a challenge and this started a spark of confidence which grew. He was one of two students who gave a presentation to staff at school about what life is like when you cannot hear in the same way as your classmates or your teachers. He spoke honestly about his feelings and did an excellent job getting his point across.
Sebastian Harvey-Tkachuk was nominated by Sally Robinson, Advisory Teacher Hearing Support Service, for the huge strides he has made in his ability to listen on his implanted side and overcoming other difficulties in processing information. Despite this he continued to work hard and his brilliant sense of humour has helped him to make people realise that having a profound hearing loss is not a barrier to having fun and getting on with everybody. He had a very successful placement at the Met Office in Exeter. He has completed his GCSE’s and acquired the grades needed for his course at college. He is a responsible young man that everyone should be proud of.
Lydia Kelson was nominated by her mother, Sally Kelson, for overcoming so many difficulties in her life. Her hearing loss was diagnosed late and she found school difficult coping with a hearing loss that was not acknowledged. Since leaving school she has blossomed. She passed her practical driving test first time and has just finished college and passed her course to qualify in Beauty Therapy level 3. She has also passed BSL Level 1 and 2 at night class. She is starting to believe she can achieve things.
Lucy Morris was nominated by Sue MacDermott, Advisory Teacher Hearing Support Service, for her achievement in settling in to a new school and having the confidence to make other people more deaf aware. She moved to the area and started a new school. This did not go well at first resulting in a change of schools and home tutoring but after some changes she has settled in to a new school. She has flourished there and it has given her new confidence and resilience. She did a wonderful presentation on deafness to her English GCSE group and she is learning BSL. She has also agreed to do a presentation to mainstream teachers at a Hearing Support Service training day.
Chloe Northover was nominated by Elisabeth Gower, Advisory Teacher Hearing Support Service, for her determination to succeed and after finding it difficult to approach teachers with her radio aid she came up with a plan to get all her teachers in one place where she could explain about her radio aid. She was one of two students who gave a presentation to staff to get them to understand what life is was like when you cannot hear in the same way as your classmates or your teachers. She made a strong impression on everyone present.
Saul Pearce was nominated by his mother, Sandra Mackrow, for how he overcame his anxieties when he attended the DDCS PGL activity weekend and determinedly climbed to the top of the tall outdoor climbing wall. On a previous visit he was adamant that he could not do this. His parents were very proud of him but best of all was that Saul was proud of his own personal achievement.
Tayla Plowman was nominated by Sue MacDermott, Advisory Teacher Hearing Support Service, for the way she has coped with the transition into secondary school. She transferred from a small school to a large school with 200 pupils in one year alone. Despite her sight and hearing loss she was not overwhelmed and she impressed everyone with her determination and strength in the new situation and was from day one was keen to just get on with things as independently as possible. She is always upbeat and confident and is continuing to impress.
Molly Stagg was nominated by her mother, Gemma Stagg, for taking part in the AFC Bournemouth Community sports despite being very nervous and shy. Over the last year she has grown in confidence and spent a night away from home with the football coaches even though she has never spent a night away from home before. She is part of the talent hub and the BT Disability Programme has led to her having trials for England. Her story was filmed by BT Sports. She is getting more confident and starting to believe in herself, despite having a hearing loss you can achieve. She is a very kind and thoughtful girl always willing to help at any time.
In addition to our Junior winner Kenzie, also nominated in the Junior category were:
Liliana Daraszkiewicz was nominated by her dance teacher, Yolanda Giddings, for overcoming her shyness and growing in confidence. She has achieved a huge confidence boost and took part in the dance school summer show. She has not let her hearing restrictions shadow her life and has been determined to achieve to the best of her abilities. This achievement is very special as Lili did not start dance at the same time as her class friends, she started much later but was able to catch up with the ballet and tap grades. She took it all in her stride and never fails to amaze her teacher.
Byron Harrower was nominated by Sally Robinson, Advisory Teacher Hearing Support Service, for the progress he has made over the last four years since he was fitted with hearing aids at the age of five after a late diagnosis. He had very little speech and language mainly single words. He has made considerable progress in all areas and gets involved with all aspects of school life. He is catching up with his peers but the gap is growing less. This is largely due to his personality, quiet resilience and hard work. At school he has made significant progress in maths and literacy, he attends the football club which he never had the confidence to do before. He has shown new people round the school and is now a playground leader.
Stanley Hotson was nominated by Elisabeth Gower, Advisory Teacher Hearing Support Service, for the way he has coped and progressed since his hearing went from a severe loss to profound and he was then given cochlear implants at the age of 4. He was then able to access sound in a meaningful way. Since then he has become a confident member of year 2 and is learning language at a phenomenal rate. He is very kind and caring, helping his classmates and grownups at school and at home. He works hard at school and never gives up and his teachers say he is a delight to teach.
Reiss MacDonald was nominated by Ursula Murley, Advisory Teacher Hearing Support Service, for how he has coped remarkably well with a very challenging year. He had several faults and problems with his radio aid and is now using it regularly every day. He attended an NDCS activity day and also a Hearing Support Service day at Carey Camp and this was a big step forward for him.
Jennifer-Marie Roe was nominated by Ursula Murley, Advisory Teacher Hearing Support Service, for being such a model pupil. She always wears her radio aid in lessons and manages all her equipment herself. She prepared a power-point presentation for her new tutor and classmates and talked confidently about her hearing loss and strategies to use to help with listening. She has also learnt some sign language. She is always polite, positive and works to the best of her ability.
Well done to all everyone who was nominated! All nominees received a certificate and a £20 voucher.

2018 Senior and Junior nominees and winners